Saturday, May 5, 2012

Here we go!

A friend recently said I should start writing a fitness-related blog. I jokingly responded that I know nothing about fitness, but maybe one day I could take a stab it.

Now, after thinking about it, perhaps I’ll take that stab. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen, right?
Regardless, I’ve officially started a brand new blog that will focus on all things fitness. In it I plan to share my new life as a “gym-goer” and all of the excitement, frustration, highs and lows, insights, discoveries, progress, etc. that goes with it. Sound exciting? I’m not going to lie: I’m pretty excited about it.

*Side note before we begin this journey. I make money and provide for my wife by writing/editing. It is literally my world. With that said, expect to find literary references, grammatical quips, Dickens-styled narrator interruptions and all sorts of English-language-related insertions that may or may not be necessary—or called for.

Still reading? Good.

Welcome to Speedy’s Fitness Blog! …we’re still working on the name….

First things first, I need to let you know how and why I got here.

 1.  How – I started going to the gym. Yeah, it’s that simple. But wait! There’s more!
     -I committed to going to the gym. That’s a LOT different than simply going. I’ll talk about that more in detail in a later blog.

2.  Why – I got tired of being what’s known as “Skinny Fat.” Scratch that. I’ve always been tired of it. I decided to do something about it. By the way, the relationship between saying and doing is something you’ll probably hear me run my mouth about often; so, prepare yourself.

    -For those who don’t know/can’t figure out what “skinny fat” is, it’s when you’re not exactly skinny, and you’re not exactly fat. It’s a very popular body type that’s prevalent in good ‘ol America: The Land of Fast Food.

So with all of that out of the way, and now that we seem to know each other, yeah, I go the gym. I go the gym a lot. I also don’t use “alot”, since it’s not a real word. The little red squiggly is currently making my eye twitch. I try to go to the gym every day, and I don’t often miss. When I do, it’s typically for a legit reason.

Bodybuilders say that working out is addicting. I agree. I look forward to it. I love the feelings I get when I’m there. I crave the highs I experience immediately following a good lift. When I miss a day, my body knows it.

Why am I telling you all of this? Well, I want you to know what’s up. I want you to know why I’m doing what I’m doing. If you care, you’ll check back. If you couldn’t care less, I’ll shed tears later.

By the way, it’s “couldn’t care less,” not “could care less.” For goodness’ sake, get that right!

And so concludes the first entry into Speedy’s Fitness Blog.
Again, we need to do something about that name.
*Editor's note: I changed the name to "SpeedyFit".

Next time I’ll share my workout plan and talk about setting goals. Interested?

Be there.



  1. The real reason you started the fitness blog is because you want to be called "Pipes. " :-) Excited for what is to come. I have been doing CrossFit. It reminds me of the training in my collegiate wrestling days. I have the Rogue Fitness CrossFit whole set up in my garage with some tire flipping in the backyard. Look forward to reading about SpeedyFit. It could be the next CrossFit team to compete in the next games. "SpeedyCrossFit". Before something becomes a habit, it must first be practiced as a discipline. Let the training begin brother!

    1. The moniker, "Pipes" is definitely a lofty goal! We'll see. Maybe one day...

  2. Oh, I'm going to enjoy reading this. You've combined two of the things I love most: fitness and the english language.
